Thursday 15 December 2011

15th December = Last day of school

Today is the last day we have to edit our music video before the new year. Today was suppose to be the deadline but it has been posponsed for our group especially due to Theresa's absense.
I stayed back after school until 5pm to try and get as much editing done as possible but we will resume our hard work on the 6th Jan 2012 on our first lesson back to media.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Editing schedule (When is everyone free to edit?)

We thought it would be quicker to film some footage then go and edit it into the video straight however when we started filming and we started coming across obstacles (problems) we noticed that things will not always work out the way we want them to. We are just going to film as much footage as possible and get it on the macs if we need to go more filming we will.

We also had a meeting as a group today and decided that not all of us need to be there when editing is taking place. Some days one of us may not be able to make it but that does not mean that the other two cannot meet up to either film or edit. It is a group effort so everybody should have equal input and this is probably going to be acheived if there is less of us on the day.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Filming at Central park

As Theresa was now out, Chanel and myself took a camera out of lesson to film some footage at central park of me lip syncing. It was a very cold and windy day so we had to be extra careful with the camera to make sure it didnt fly off.

We didn't actually plan to film at central park however our video was looking to homely so we needed more locations and as it stands still need more locations so am planning on going out filming somemore.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Filming in the drama studio with mike and stand

In todays lesson, Chanel and I went into the drama studio where recorded myself singing the whole song with a mike and a stand. This was to maintain a professional look.

After filming this footage, we got some feedback from Mr Johnson saying that we should film another kind of scene for the chorus however have more than one person singing because it sounds like more than one voice at the chorus.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Theresa breaks her leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theresa broke her leg today at a charity event and Chanel was away and this was one of our vital filming days as most of this footage was going towards out chorus and was unable to go ahead so when we return to school, we will need to get cracking on out filming doing even more outside of lesson time and in our frees.

I had to get cracking with the editing for the first verse and going into the first chorus, i still think we need to do more filming and gain more footage so that we are not limited to the shots we use.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Filming process

Today, we took a camera out to film the boy and girl scenes at my house. Ashton was unable to make this day so we had to contact my Boyfriend Mitchell and he then stepped in which made me feel more comfortable anyway. We got really good shots but we need to remember when editing that we split those scenes up so that its not too homely as all of the shots where we are together are homebased.

Friday 2 December 2011

Storyline of the music video (What is going to occur in the video?)

The story line of our music video is based on a girl who is singing a song about her love for he other half, how he is like therapy to her and cant live without him. During the video, you'll see an intervention of both the girl and the boy as ''flashbacks'' of moments of their relationship which link in to the music.

The ''flashbacks'' effect will be put in to black and white to 1) make it stand out from the rest of film 2) it gives it a edge to it 3) referring into music video's or films flashbacks or past events tend to usually be in black and white.