Thursday 23 June 2011

Music promo video

Today in the lesson, we had a discussion on what exactly is the factor that makes music video's effective and we went around the class and shared our favourite music video's.
These were some of the music video's that were mentioned:

-Bruno Mars - The lazy song ( is effective because the video is closely linked with the lyrics)

-Rihanna - Only girl in the world (is effective because it is bright so attracts the viewer, romantic which is what the song is about

-Kanye West- Runaway(is effective because it lasts longer than 35 minutes, symbolism, there is contraversy and the video tells a story.

Lastly, Eminem - Stan (is effctive because it is a post modern video, it is self referential so he is telling a story about himself and it has a lot of contraversy as it was in the newspapers which meant more publicity for eminem even if it was negative, this has a positive influence on his fans who idolised him. Apparently the music video was encouraging fans to commit suicide.

Friday 17 June 2011

Finding the right Music

I am looking on website like '' to find music because this site contains non copyright music so is a good and a safe site for me to begin my search looking at music video's.

If we used a well known artist like Beyonce, this could jeperdise her career by decreasing her downloads and sales. For this reason, there is no way that we could even get permission to use the music. The whole idea of us using music from an unsigned artist would publicize them and the may become recognized and there is more of chance of beginning their career.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Beyonce - Single ladies, i believe is a good music video because there is a clear message and the audience know exactly what is going on as the action in the chorus matches the lyrics. The video is in black and white so this makes it different and simple. The music video consists of women alone and the song is about 'single ladies' therefore Beyonce has evidently thought about the concept of the video and the type of people she wants in her video.
Beyonce was once in a group 'Destinys child' and was the lead singer however, the group split up and she has gone solo and is most girl's idol.  This video is extremely popular with the ladies. The songs she produces usually represent for the ladies giving off the message that we are independent so as she has a positive effect on women.
The music video makes use of key conventions such as lip synching. I know she is lip synching because she dancing throughout the video and her vocals sound absolutely perfect, the camera never zooms into her lips or it would be obvious to the viewers.
The camera is in focus on Beyonce during the whole video, there is not many cuts within the video however, the backgrounds do change constantly. This effectively keeps the view interested.

Friday 10 June 2011


Welcome to my A2 music video blog. We have been given a task to create a music video using non copy right music. For the task, i have been asked to produce a music promo video which lasts up to 5 minutes either working on my own or in a group up to four members.

In addition to the music video, we are required to produce a 'digipak' which is an album cover for a CD release. A magazine advertisement will follow for the digipak.

After we have produced our 'promo video , we will need to produce a critical evaluation.

I will begin to search for music on and will begin my search looking at all different types of music video's.