Thursday 23 June 2011

Music promo video

Today in the lesson, we had a discussion on what exactly is the factor that makes music video's effective and we went around the class and shared our favourite music video's.
These were some of the music video's that were mentioned:

-Bruno Mars - The lazy song ( is effective because the video is closely linked with the lyrics)

-Rihanna - Only girl in the world (is effective because it is bright so attracts the viewer, romantic which is what the song is about

-Kanye West- Runaway(is effective because it lasts longer than 35 minutes, symbolism, there is contraversy and the video tells a story.

Lastly, Eminem - Stan (is effctive because it is a post modern video, it is self referential so he is telling a story about himself and it has a lot of contraversy as it was in the newspapers which meant more publicity for eminem even if it was negative, this has a positive influence on his fans who idolised him. Apparently the music video was encouraging fans to commit suicide.

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