Tuesday 29 November 2011

Teacher Feedback

In todays lesson, we had our teacher analyse our music video. There were a few shots that she felt were inappropriate for a music video that would viewed by examiners and our teachers.

For this reason, she made a suggestion for us to go back and start our complete filming process again so Chanel and Theresa are going to come to my house tomorrow to begin filming as some of the shots had my head cut off when i tried to film. I took the camera home and filmed some of the footage on my own so that it would speed up the process in order to leave more time to edit.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

We begin to edit

We haven't finished filming, but we decided that we would put our audio on our computer and begin to edit every bit of footage that we film straight away to make it easier for us in the long run so that we are not stuck with lots of footage by the end of our filming process and left to edit masses of work so by doing it this way we have decreased our workload.

We film in our own time and edit in lesson time.

Monday 21 November 2011

Day 3 of filming

In todays lesson, we drove to the same spot as last lesson to film our actual footage. We didnt use the original footage because I was not happy with what I was wearing and i did not look presenatable enough to be in a music video. Day 3 i looked more glamourous so this was more realistic. We then decided to use different shots, close ups and head shots which will make the end product more effective.

We had to take about 10 takes just to get this scene perfect as i had to learn the lyrics on the spot.

Friday 18 November 2011

Day 2 of filming

Today, we went for a trial run of the second verse of the song. Theresa filmed me driving and we realised that we wouldnt get clear footage, so Chanel came up with the idea to film me pretending to drive so a still shot.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Filming schedule of when everyone is available to film

Above is a table of the dates that we are planning to film on and the people who should be available on these dates.

Final ideas of props and locations

As we have now got our romantic storyline, some props for example the frying pan and the spachuella we will not need, however the scenes in black a white will be shot at my house and for this reason, most of our locations will stay the same. As we go along we will begin to vary the locations so that the video does not become over repeditive.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Day 1 of filming

Today, I took home a camera and I began to record our bathroom scene. I had the song playing in the background on my phone and the next day stuck the footage on the Macs.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Before we begin to film, we must make a health and safety risk assessment so that everyone involved in this process is aware of how to produce this music video in the safest format possible

1) No filming in appropriate locations
2)Check safety of locations
3)Minimise risk of theft of equipement
4)When filming on location ensure teachers or responsible adult know where you are and have telephone number and know when you are dur to return
5)Check all equipement is working before you leave
6)Ensure you have permission for filming if necessary
7)Always film with at least one other person
8)Ensure that you have permission from those you are filming.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Using the ideas from our Audience research to come to a Final Idea

Different methods of Audience Research we used contributed to helping us find  a final idea of the theme of our music video.

On Survey Monkey, I ensured that one of the questions had a link to the song so that the audience were able to make a judgement of what they think would be a suitable idea. According to the wordle above, the audience suggested a romantic video. This contrasts with the opinions in the focus group as they had the same sort of concept and similar ideas having listened to the beat of the song and lyrics to get what the feel is about.  We decided to go with our instincts and opinions and go with the whole relationship/ romantic theme of the girl singing about her boyfriend who she loves dearly and have flashbacks in black and white to represent the good times that they have spent together in the past. We will ensure that the two actors have a connection on set and make the performance believable, so will not settle for a piece of footage until it is perfect.

Thursday 10 November 2011



Today, Chanel and I sat down and completed our storyboard and this has enabled to complete our animatic as this is simply just the pictures on our storyboard fit together like a slideshow.
The parts that do not have any illustrations or any text will be looked into on the day and at the scene as we do not know what the weather is going to be like or different angles yet so we cannot predict sounds and camera framings.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Photographs of possible props/costumes

These are photographs of possible props that could appear in our music video.

Photographs of possible locations

One of the settings of the video is at my house and these are few photo's that i have taken where we could possibly be shooting some of our footage.


This is me working on my moodboard. I created my moodboard to create visual image to convey the tone and the feel of what was going to occur in our music video and the kind theme it was going to be. We all created different moodboards so that we could emerge all our ideas so that the overall outcome has maximal thoughts and ideas put into it.

Justification of ideas in relation to genre and artist

As the song is lovey dovey type song, girls can relate to the song more as generally they are more emotional than boys. For this reason we have chosen to have a lovey dovey type of video so that the video and the lyrics to the song match which will make the video parellel. 

All three of us as group members love the genre R&B and therefore it was no debate as to what kind of song we would produce and was a similar idea with the kind of video that we would produce as we are all female. 

It is quite easy to compare Corinne Vielle to Keyshia Cole as they both aim their music at females and both similar artist in relation to the classical R&B music that they produce. 

We really would like the video we produce to engage with the younger females as an audience like how Keyshia Cole relates to us having an positive influence on us as we now want to produce a video that is similar to hers. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011

What resources will we need?

In today's lesson, we had a productive meeting to discuss what resources we will need. It was decided that we would need:


-A car
-Mobile phone
-Teddy Bear
-A bed
-Frying pan

In my music video, we will require a femae to play a main role and a male main role. Both actors are going to be intimate with eachother so will need to be comfortable and for this reason, i have asked Ashton to play the male role in my video as we are good friends. I am going to be playing the main female actress in my music video.

-A house
-Dagenham VUE cinemas
-My bedroom
-A Park
-Car park
- In the car  
- My kitchen
- Lakeside (the boat where you can see the water)

Friday 4 November 2011

Bluetoothing our song to our mobile phones

We were able to get our MP3 player version to the song and we bluetoothed the song to each of our phones so that it is easier for us to access the song from where ever we are.

We manage to screen grab the process

Wednesday 2 November 2011

My Favourite 'Coverdude' CD cover

This site has been helpful to us as we now know the correct ingredients that creates an effective digipak. 
One of my favourite CD covers in which I found on this online site is the CD cover of the 'Adele - 21' because it is black and white which is different so catches the audience's eye.

The way in which the front cover of this album has been produced is amazing, even thought it's so simple the way in which it has been laid out creates a huge effect and draws you in. Usually on CD covers, the title 'their name and the name of the album' is at the top of the cover so that everyone is able to see it clearly, but with this cover is titled at the bottom so this adds why the cover is so different to others. 

Next is the back cover, the back cover provides you with a list of the songs in which are on the album, a barcode and several other things. Even though there is not a lot on the cover it is still effective and makes people want to buy it, this is better than it being overloading and looking like bunched together as it could come across as looking tacky. The actual CD of the album is linked clear and simple with just the number 21 printed on it which links it to the album name, this was a very clever idea.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Research into a Digipak

As well as having the task of being able to come up with idea's of a music video, putting the idea's together and actually producing it we have also been given the task to produce a digipak in order for our CD to be packaged in.
A digipak is usually linked to the general theme or idea of the song/album and would have features on the song on the CD, for examples pictures from the video and inside of the case, lyrics to the songs. Lyrics is usually provided within album covers.

In order for the CD/album to be sold to the public, the digipak must be appealing to customers and must stand out, so for this reason to gain the best knowledge of how to produce a good digipak, my group and I decided to go on 'coverdude.com' which is an online site that offers you a wide range of different CD covers, digipaks, DVD covers etc. 

Below is an example of what a digipak should look like