Thursday 1 March 2012

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Before we began to design our own personal digipak and magazine advert, we decided that we would go with out idols and similar R&B artists Rihanna and Beyonce. These artists magazine adverts and their own personal styles inspire us as they represent us as as young black women so we look up to them. We put the artist name in big and bold writing alongside the release date so that the public are aware of when exactly the album is being available for purchase so that the artist can then start making from their sales.

Magazine advert contrast and compare

Digipak contrast with magazine ad

Links between the magazine advert / music video / digipak

Black and white scenes = Black and white magazine advert and digipak

The image used is soft as there is no eye contact with the camera which evokes vulnerability and expression for how much she is in Love 

Red lipstick in magazine ad and digipak represent Lust  in the video. 

The magazine advert has does not only have a quote from a reliable source 'the guradian' but is also being sold in a repetable store HMV which will have a positive effect on the sales and how successful the album is. If the album was being sold in a faulty store with a bad reputation, not many customers would even go in there so therefore the sales of the media product would be low and the artist wouldn't make as much money. 

Overall, I feel that the combination of our main product and ancillary tasks all compliment each other with their effectiveness because the main image that we are trying to give off is romance/love effect and all of the photo's in the digipak represent. We thought about the use of colours to make to make the image clearer as red is used in a number of ways, on our digipak, we use red roses to represent love and on our magazine ad, my lips are red to represent romance. All of the above compliment and prepare the audience for the similar scenes to in our main media product. 

I've taken the time to create a survey on my ancillary tasks so that I gain some feedback as to whether the digipak and magazine ad have given off the right image which would provide the audience with a clear image as to what would occur in the video.

Do you think both the the digipak and the magazine advert compliment each other please answer the survey to give feedback.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

I uploaded the link to my questionnaire to facebook as audience feedback on my ancillary tasks so that I could gain a wider audience which would mean broader opinions. If i get the opinions from just the people in my class, they know about all aspects like fades.straight cuts, jump cuts etc so it will be nice to gain opinions from people who do not have a thorough insight media. 
 Results & analysis of results

The responses I was getting from question 1 suggest that the digipak and the magazine advert work well together as there is not one negative comment about the combination. The responses say that the red lip stick powerful and striking working incredibly well with black and white. It is an original idea which is probably why these responses think that both ancillary tasks will be a success. 

The majority of responses gave my music video a 9 which is a magnificent score. They later go on to answer question 3 which asks them to state what they would improve and a majority of the responses said that the magazine advert was good but the digipak could do with slight tweeking of making it either all black or all in colour, just to have one colour to make it look more professional. 

Everybody who took the survey responded ‘Yes’ to being asked if they think the digipak will sell well. For this reason there is every reason to assume that the digipak will hit a wide audience because not one person responded negatively. 


The majority of responses said that after the advertisement of the music video through the ancillary tasks made, they would expect to see a romantic video which is exactly the vibe that we wanted to give off so for this reason, our ancillary tasks did their job and are a success.

Overall, it is important to do both audience research before and gain audience feedback after producing the product so that we have a clear idea of what the audience want so that the finished product is able to gain profit. If we did not do any audience research before producing our music video, we would be taking a huge risk and there would be the chance that our product may not be successful so with planning we go with the majority of peoples opinions on what they believe do well. Audience feedback is extremely important because you need to know whether you have met the demands of the audience and audience feedback is one a way that you are able to tell whether your product had been successful. Audience feedback also helps you get an idea of where you are at because if you gain thorough audience feedback, they will be able to make suggestions of what you can do better for next time.

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