Friday 2 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

After uploading our video onto facebook, i got many likes and many comments on how well my music video was produced however by going into a classroom and getting my peers to watch it and get verbal feedback allows me to spot the areas for improvement.

After holding the classroom focus group, I got a variation of different opinions. Shanica (in the yellow body warmer) said that there was a good emotional connection but she gave some negative feedback that the connection we had was good when acting however there was too much of it, so next time could do with cutting down with the lovey dovey scenes. By doing different kinds of audience research, i am able to gather more opinions and feedback for if i was to do this project again.

Rebecca (2nd speaker) says that she likes the chemistry between the two actors she also said that some parts of the music video were badly lip synced therefore for next time we will consider making sure that each part that is lip synced needs to be on point so that it looks realistic.

Shelby thought that it was good but she made a point about the transitions between scenes and said that the video could have done with more straight cuts rather than fades as she didn't like seeing much black screen. Shelby also thought there should be more close up shots as she feels there were too many distant shots and this may hide the emotion in the actress's eyes.

Kieron (green beat by dre headphones) said that the he liked the video however he feels that the bath scene was totally irrelevant which i can understand where he is coming from but then i later explained that it was trying to prepare the audience for the sensual scene that was about to follow. It was also different and original which always sasses up a music video.

Mrs Kirby (my pe teacher) had a lot of feedback to give, she began with talking about the transition, she felt they could have been more smoother as they were quite rocky in her opinion. She thought it would be nice to have some clips dissolving in rather than fading or the straight cut that we used. She would have liked to see more of a storyline rather than just random clips of the two lovers. She thought that singing on the step was a bit tedious as there was no emotion on my face so in future, i will sing with more emotion to make the performance believable. Something similar that she was saying later on was that she'd like for us to have a clear storyline to so that the audience is carried through by my emotions.

She didn't like the use of the over the shoulder shot but to be honest, we liked it because it showed good use and various of different shots.

She also stated that she would of liked to see more locations in the music video because it was too homely so we could of been a bit more adventurous about where we film as it became repedative.

However on the good, overall she thought that we were very professional and could see the chemistry between the two but again brought up that she didn't like that it kept jumping from romance between the two lovers to the actress singing on her own, she would like alot more of the boy and girl scene perhaps singing when the boy is with the girl to create an emotional atmosphere for both the actors and the audience viewing as they will feel what the words and will be touched and a personal connection with the characters themselves.

Later on, we spoke about the use of colouring throughout the video and they picked up on the fact that the black and white was used to represent the past and the use of colour for the present. They thought this was effective as it distinguished the present from the past giving the audience a clearer image of what is occurring in the video.

After the focus group I made a questionnaire on survey monkey which provided us with more audience research. I put the questionnaire on my blog and got my class mates to complete the questionnaire based on their opinions of my music video.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Once the questionnaire was complete I gathered the analysis of the results and the results are as follows:

More females took my survey and this is a similar result to what was achieved in my last survey before we produced the music video. More females seemed to complete the survey and for this reason, we gained information and suggestions from a female's point a view and completed our music video from the audience feedback which the majority were in fact women. 

From the results above, our video was not rewarded anything less than an 8 which shows that it was of a high quality in every aspect of key conventions. We were given suggestions from a focus group before producing this video alongside another survey and we were given productive feedback of having an intimate/ romantic video which we undertook and completed this kind of video which reflects the high scores. 

Funny enough, the comments from the focus group put together with the results from survey monkey overlap because they are very similar, they both mention that we could improve our use of transitions/ improve the lip syncing in some parts of the video and the use of locations could of been broader. 

100% percent of the responses felt that the music video was realistic. This probably contrasts with the performance and passionate connection between the actor and the actress. From the feedback in focus group, plenty of responses were that there was a brilliant performance with lots of romance which would need to be the kind of mood of the video listening to the lyrics. 

Carrying on from the above response, it is safe to say that we reached an aim to create a music video which would match the lyrics and mood of the song. Every person who took the questionnaire would say that after watching our video thought that the video was parallel to the lyrics. I learnt that in order to get such positive responses it is vital that you must carry target audience research before you produce the video so that you have an idea of what your target audience are looking for and are able to fulfil their demands. 

Overall, from my results, most responses were made from females and for this reason the next timewhen producing a survey, I will try and gain a more balanced set of results by perhaps making a seperate questionnaire for males to see what their opinions are to gain an overall mixed vue of the ancillary tasks and the video engage with a wider audience. 

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