Thursday 15 December 2011

15th December = Last day of school

Today is the last day we have to edit our music video before the new year. Today was suppose to be the deadline but it has been posponsed for our group especially due to Theresa's absense.
I stayed back after school until 5pm to try and get as much editing done as possible but we will resume our hard work on the 6th Jan 2012 on our first lesson back to media.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Editing schedule (When is everyone free to edit?)

We thought it would be quicker to film some footage then go and edit it into the video straight however when we started filming and we started coming across obstacles (problems) we noticed that things will not always work out the way we want them to. We are just going to film as much footage as possible and get it on the macs if we need to go more filming we will.

We also had a meeting as a group today and decided that not all of us need to be there when editing is taking place. Some days one of us may not be able to make it but that does not mean that the other two cannot meet up to either film or edit. It is a group effort so everybody should have equal input and this is probably going to be acheived if there is less of us on the day.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Filming at Central park

As Theresa was now out, Chanel and myself took a camera out of lesson to film some footage at central park of me lip syncing. It was a very cold and windy day so we had to be extra careful with the camera to make sure it didnt fly off.

We didn't actually plan to film at central park however our video was looking to homely so we needed more locations and as it stands still need more locations so am planning on going out filming somemore.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Filming in the drama studio with mike and stand

In todays lesson, Chanel and I went into the drama studio where recorded myself singing the whole song with a mike and a stand. This was to maintain a professional look.

After filming this footage, we got some feedback from Mr Johnson saying that we should film another kind of scene for the chorus however have more than one person singing because it sounds like more than one voice at the chorus.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Theresa breaks her leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theresa broke her leg today at a charity event and Chanel was away and this was one of our vital filming days as most of this footage was going towards out chorus and was unable to go ahead so when we return to school, we will need to get cracking on out filming doing even more outside of lesson time and in our frees.

I had to get cracking with the editing for the first verse and going into the first chorus, i still think we need to do more filming and gain more footage so that we are not limited to the shots we use.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Filming process

Today, we took a camera out to film the boy and girl scenes at my house. Ashton was unable to make this day so we had to contact my Boyfriend Mitchell and he then stepped in which made me feel more comfortable anyway. We got really good shots but we need to remember when editing that we split those scenes up so that its not too homely as all of the shots where we are together are homebased.

Friday 2 December 2011

Storyline of the music video (What is going to occur in the video?)

The story line of our music video is based on a girl who is singing a song about her love for he other half, how he is like therapy to her and cant live without him. During the video, you'll see an intervention of both the girl and the boy as ''flashbacks'' of moments of their relationship which link in to the music.

The ''flashbacks'' effect will be put in to black and white to 1) make it stand out from the rest of film 2) it gives it a edge to it 3) referring into music video's or films flashbacks or past events tend to usually be in black and white.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Teacher Feedback

In todays lesson, we had our teacher analyse our music video. There were a few shots that she felt were inappropriate for a music video that would viewed by examiners and our teachers.

For this reason, she made a suggestion for us to go back and start our complete filming process again so Chanel and Theresa are going to come to my house tomorrow to begin filming as some of the shots had my head cut off when i tried to film. I took the camera home and filmed some of the footage on my own so that it would speed up the process in order to leave more time to edit.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

We begin to edit

We haven't finished filming, but we decided that we would put our audio on our computer and begin to edit every bit of footage that we film straight away to make it easier for us in the long run so that we are not stuck with lots of footage by the end of our filming process and left to edit masses of work so by doing it this way we have decreased our workload.

We film in our own time and edit in lesson time.

Monday 21 November 2011

Day 3 of filming

In todays lesson, we drove to the same spot as last lesson to film our actual footage. We didnt use the original footage because I was not happy with what I was wearing and i did not look presenatable enough to be in a music video. Day 3 i looked more glamourous so this was more realistic. We then decided to use different shots, close ups and head shots which will make the end product more effective.

We had to take about 10 takes just to get this scene perfect as i had to learn the lyrics on the spot.

Friday 18 November 2011

Day 2 of filming

Today, we went for a trial run of the second verse of the song. Theresa filmed me driving and we realised that we wouldnt get clear footage, so Chanel came up with the idea to film me pretending to drive so a still shot.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Filming schedule of when everyone is available to film

Above is a table of the dates that we are planning to film on and the people who should be available on these dates.

Final ideas of props and locations

As we have now got our romantic storyline, some props for example the frying pan and the spachuella we will not need, however the scenes in black a white will be shot at my house and for this reason, most of our locations will stay the same. As we go along we will begin to vary the locations so that the video does not become over repeditive.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Day 1 of filming

Today, I took home a camera and I began to record our bathroom scene. I had the song playing in the background on my phone and the next day stuck the footage on the Macs.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Before we begin to film, we must make a health and safety risk assessment so that everyone involved in this process is aware of how to produce this music video in the safest format possible

1) No filming in appropriate locations
2)Check safety of locations
3)Minimise risk of theft of equipement
4)When filming on location ensure teachers or responsible adult know where you are and have telephone number and know when you are dur to return
5)Check all equipement is working before you leave
6)Ensure you have permission for filming if necessary
7)Always film with at least one other person
8)Ensure that you have permission from those you are filming.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Using the ideas from our Audience research to come to a Final Idea

Different methods of Audience Research we used contributed to helping us find  a final idea of the theme of our music video.

On Survey Monkey, I ensured that one of the questions had a link to the song so that the audience were able to make a judgement of what they think would be a suitable idea. According to the wordle above, the audience suggested a romantic video. This contrasts with the opinions in the focus group as they had the same sort of concept and similar ideas having listened to the beat of the song and lyrics to get what the feel is about.  We decided to go with our instincts and opinions and go with the whole relationship/ romantic theme of the girl singing about her boyfriend who she loves dearly and have flashbacks in black and white to represent the good times that they have spent together in the past. We will ensure that the two actors have a connection on set and make the performance believable, so will not settle for a piece of footage until it is perfect.

Thursday 10 November 2011



Today, Chanel and I sat down and completed our storyboard and this has enabled to complete our animatic as this is simply just the pictures on our storyboard fit together like a slideshow.
The parts that do not have any illustrations or any text will be looked into on the day and at the scene as we do not know what the weather is going to be like or different angles yet so we cannot predict sounds and camera framings.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Photographs of possible props/costumes

These are photographs of possible props that could appear in our music video.

Photographs of possible locations

One of the settings of the video is at my house and these are few photo's that i have taken where we could possibly be shooting some of our footage.


This is me working on my moodboard. I created my moodboard to create visual image to convey the tone and the feel of what was going to occur in our music video and the kind theme it was going to be. We all created different moodboards so that we could emerge all our ideas so that the overall outcome has maximal thoughts and ideas put into it.

Justification of ideas in relation to genre and artist

As the song is lovey dovey type song, girls can relate to the song more as generally they are more emotional than boys. For this reason we have chosen to have a lovey dovey type of video so that the video and the lyrics to the song match which will make the video parellel. 

All three of us as group members love the genre R&B and therefore it was no debate as to what kind of song we would produce and was a similar idea with the kind of video that we would produce as we are all female. 

It is quite easy to compare Corinne Vielle to Keyshia Cole as they both aim their music at females and both similar artist in relation to the classical R&B music that they produce. 

We really would like the video we produce to engage with the younger females as an audience like how Keyshia Cole relates to us having an positive influence on us as we now want to produce a video that is similar to hers. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011

What resources will we need?

In today's lesson, we had a productive meeting to discuss what resources we will need. It was decided that we would need:


-A car
-Mobile phone
-Teddy Bear
-A bed
-Frying pan

In my music video, we will require a femae to play a main role and a male main role. Both actors are going to be intimate with eachother so will need to be comfortable and for this reason, i have asked Ashton to play the male role in my video as we are good friends. I am going to be playing the main female actress in my music video.

-A house
-Dagenham VUE cinemas
-My bedroom
-A Park
-Car park
- In the car  
- My kitchen
- Lakeside (the boat where you can see the water)

Friday 4 November 2011

Bluetoothing our song to our mobile phones

We were able to get our MP3 player version to the song and we bluetoothed the song to each of our phones so that it is easier for us to access the song from where ever we are.

We manage to screen grab the process

Wednesday 2 November 2011

My Favourite 'Coverdude' CD cover

This site has been helpful to us as we now know the correct ingredients that creates an effective digipak. 
One of my favourite CD covers in which I found on this online site is the CD cover of the 'Adele - 21' because it is black and white which is different so catches the audience's eye.

The way in which the front cover of this album has been produced is amazing, even thought it's so simple the way in which it has been laid out creates a huge effect and draws you in. Usually on CD covers, the title 'their name and the name of the album' is at the top of the cover so that everyone is able to see it clearly, but with this cover is titled at the bottom so this adds why the cover is so different to others. 

Next is the back cover, the back cover provides you with a list of the songs in which are on the album, a barcode and several other things. Even though there is not a lot on the cover it is still effective and makes people want to buy it, this is better than it being overloading and looking like bunched together as it could come across as looking tacky. The actual CD of the album is linked clear and simple with just the number 21 printed on it which links it to the album name, this was a very clever idea.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Research into a Digipak

As well as having the task of being able to come up with idea's of a music video, putting the idea's together and actually producing it we have also been given the task to produce a digipak in order for our CD to be packaged in.
A digipak is usually linked to the general theme or idea of the song/album and would have features on the song on the CD, for examples pictures from the video and inside of the case, lyrics to the songs. Lyrics is usually provided within album covers.

In order for the CD/album to be sold to the public, the digipak must be appealing to customers and must stand out, so for this reason to gain the best knowledge of how to produce a good digipak, my group and I decided to go on '' which is an online site that offers you a wide range of different CD covers, digipaks, DVD covers etc. 

Below is an example of what a digipak should look like

Monday 31 October 2011

What needs to be included in a Digipak?

There are several things in which need to be included on a digipak in order for them to be one sold to the public and two, for people to recognize them and find them appealing. These include:

  • Barcode
  • Artist name
  • Albumn/CD name
  • Picture
  • Track list
  • Label name
  • Label sign
The reason I have decided to update this post is so that it can help my group and I get to grips the ingredients that we must provide on our digipak to make it effective. We want our digipak to be appealing, eye catching and also want it to be unique, if we fail to deliver this then it will just look like any other digipak and will not have the positive effective on people that we would like. 

Sunday 30 October 2011

Alike artist to Corinne Vielle

Keyshia Cole is an alike artist to Corinne Vielle with the type of music she produces in the R&B genre. They both seem to target their music to women and teenager girls. They both have the same style in their voice and they are both women.

Corinne Vielle talks about her music.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Detailed research into Corinne Vielle

Corinne Vielle is an unsigned artist, we first discovered Corinne when we were given the link to her song Therapy on We then found that we loved the song and decided to ask her for permssion to use her song otherwise it would be copyright to just use it without her consent. Below is an image of Corinne Vielle's official webesite and here is the link to the site to gain further interest to the artist.

On Corinne Vielle's myspace page, she has two songs on there, 'Disrespectful' and 'Therapy', the song that we have asked permission to use.

Her songs happen to have gained more attention from males. This particular male was interested in her voice as he commented 'Hi Corinne, i like your music, you have a really good voice'

Friday 28 October 2011

Lyrics to our song

Therapy Lyrics

Verse 1

We've been together for a while
As Love accumulates / I know this is fate
Intensely I adore you / attracted I am to you
this is no mistake / you're my soulmate
Yes, I confess / that i'd be a mess if you ever left
I can't get enough / comsumed by your touch
i know that this is love
so what i gotta do / to prove my love is true
tell me right now i'll do anything for you cause


You're my everything everything
you're my remedy my therapy
you're the flame that heats my soul and your love is like a miracle

Verse 2

Even when i told you to leave me alone
you always stayed close and you never let go
and i just wanna tell you I love your whole attitude
nothing really bothers you / you always keep it real
i got your back if you got my back
yeah you know i'm that deal
there's no question, no calculation, this is how i feel
I love every minute, every second, everyday
and if you go away i'll probably go insane cause


You're my everything everything
you're my remedy my therapy
you're the flame that heats my soul and your love is like a miracle

Your love is like a dream, i'm imagining with you
and i'm thankful / i'm grateful i found you
i don't know if i can find the words to say
to make you understand that i am in love


You're my everything everything
you're my remedy my therapy
you're the flame that heats my soul and your love is like a miracle

Sunday 23 October 2011

Audience Research - Wordle

Below are some the words used to descrbe what was expected by an audience in our music video and these opinions are what we used to as a template to create our music video. I managed to gain this audience research from my questionnaire on survey monkey. The wordle art that I created below is simply representing the responses i gained from survey monkey of what people would expect to see in a music video. The responses are similiar to the responses I gained  when i did my focus group where I also gained audience research. During the focus group, Ashley Annasingh said that he would expect a romantic video and there we have the word 'Romance' also used by audience on facebook. The same kind of words are appearing twice people are giving the same sort of ideas on what they expect in the video having listened to the beat and the lyrics of the song. 

Saturday 22 October 2011

Audience research- Survey Monkey

I've posted the link to my survey monkey questionnaire on facebook so that my friends could complete it so that we are able to tell who exactly our target audience are.

Below is the collection of responses for my Audience research.

From our audience research, our main target audience are females. From their comments, they expect to have a good performance of the actors in the video, they expect the video to be romantic & full of intimercy. Gaining such findings will be beneficial to us when we begin to film because we will know what the audience are interested in and looking for which will later gain us more viewers & increase hits/ sales. Doing a survey like this is extremely helpful because we are expanding our ideas and gaining opinions from a wider audience which will maximize ideas and performance of the actors.

Friday 21 October 2011

Target Audience Research: Focus group Summary of Findings

During our focus group, we sat around a table and played the song Therapy out loud for our friends to listen to. Once they listened to our song, we asked them if they liked the song and what video they would expect to be to the song.

Jessica Bragg said: She liked the song 
Ashley Annasingh said: It is like a classicial R&B track which was the genre we were aiming to produce a music video for however as he is a boy, he wouldn't go out and pay money to purchase the track or download it. 
Aldair then went onto say: He expected a romantic video for the song with colours like red to represent romance. 

This has given us a better idea of what kind of music video that we are going to produce to this song. The video is going to be lovey dovey so that the video is parellel to the lyrics. 

Target Audience Research: Focus Group

In today's lesson, we recorded ourselves in a focus group discussing all of the qualiities that are needed for a successful music video. This is another method of target audience research that we will have done to make our official music video the best that it can be. This video will be uploaded as soon as we get the footage on the mac computers.

Wednesday 19 October 2011


We have been waiting a couple of weeks for our Thicke to reply us now to get permission to use their music and they have not got back to us with an MP3 version.

For this reason, we have had to research into new artist and change our song. The new artist is called Corrine Vielle and the song that we are now use for our music video is called Therapy which appears to still remains in the R&B genre.

Target Audience Research interviews complete!

In today's lesson, i completed editing our target audience research and the evidence for this below.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Target Audience Research (interview editing)

In today's lesson, we began to edit the interviews of our target audience research so the video's will be uploaded and posted as soon as they are edited.
We took each interview in a long take so it should be easier for us to edit.

Sunday 16 October 2011

100 greatest videos

In today's lesson, we continued the countdown of the 100 greatest music videos.

10- Nirvana - smells like team spirit 1991

Reminds the viewers of fire as video reflects the same colour
Difficult to control crowd at the time of filming as the kids were drunk on set for about 11-12 hours.

9- Madonna - Vogue 1990
Madonna understands what makes a good music video which is why she has 2 video's in the top 10.

8- The Verve - Bittersweet sympathy 1997

7- Michael Jackson - Billie Jean 1983
America has come so fart, playing black people on MTV, now have a black president.

6- Robbie Williams - Rock DJ 2000, No real message, tries to get DJ's attention.

5- Madonna - Like a prayer. 1989
Most contraversal video becayse Jesus is black and comes back to life to sleep with Madonna. Pepsi/coke cancelled her sponsership deal.
She is brilliant at manipulating the media
Video is about religios and sexual exticy.

4- Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody 1975
Where the music video starts because queen cannot be on top of the pops, spent 9 weeks at number 1but were unable to get on top of the pops as they were touring.

3- A- ha - take on me 1985
Was a flop when was released, then when the video was released, it was so good that it attracted more people and became a success due to the success of the video.

2- Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer 1986
So many things happen in 3 minutes, the artist wanted something that could repeat several times but that could still keep the viewers interested.

1- Michael Jackson Thriller 1983

John Landis directed American Wearwolf in London and Michael Jackson saw this film and wanted to use the idea for this music video Thriller. The video is 15 minutes long and the very first viewing of it was at 1am because it was too scary to show during the day. Programmes were cancelled to have the premiere.

Friday 14 October 2011

100 greatest music videos

In today's lesson, we continued to view the 100 greatest music video's showing thorough research by my comments:

28 - Foo Fighters - Learn to fly

27- David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes
plays apart of himself going mad, greatest single of that time before MTV, primilate technology.

26 - TLC - Waterfalls
3D computer special effects

25- Madness - Baggy trousers 1980, MC Hammar trousers, couldn't see the wires saxophone player is flying. The song is about school days, kids appear in the video to reflect this.

24 - Radiohead- No surprise 1998, face changes colour, you just want him to surface. The video is impossible to watch with no reaction.

23- Britney Spears- Baby one more time
Problematic and controversal video. Directed by Nigel Dick. Increases pedophilia as she is dressed up as a school girl, it was said that men age 55 enjoy watching(perving) over that sort of video however Britney shows great rapport with the camera.

22 - Justin Timberlake - Cry me a river 2003
Stalking his ex girlfriend

21- Queen - I want to break free 1984
Queen were seen as a rock and performed heavy metal music then they made this video and this changed queens image
Freddie Mercury found gay (whole video dressed as a drag queen) and sadly pasted away died of aids. This docked Queen career in America as they are homophobic.
Directed by David Mallet

20 Gorallaz - Clint Eastwood 2001
Cartoon effect

19- Madonna - Material Girl 1985
This video is a postmodern music video because it copies Marilyn Manroe, it very clever, video is all about money & what Madonna can achieve.

18- Beyonce - Crazy in Love

17- Blur - Coffee & TV 1999
We have so much empathy for the milk carton.

16 - Outkast- Hey Ya 2003
This video si all about performance, you walk into the past with current music vibe. Every member is Andre 3000 because at the time, it was being questionnned whether Outkast were on the verge of splitting up so by this action, i think this confirmed that the group had split.

15 - R.E.M - Everybody hurts

14- Christina Aguilera - Dirrty with 2 r's 2002,
This video was desperate to create a sexy image, marketing tool, very clever memorable and will never be forgotten.

13- Pink - Floyd Another Brick in the wall 1999.
Sequence from the film ' the wall'. The video gives off the impression that schools ruin people and children are forced into a particular way of living.

12- Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson - Scream
Most expensive video made ever, cost $7million to make, Michael Jackson's career was going downhill so he decided to produce a video that costs as much as humanly possible.

11- Coldplay - The Scientist 2002
The man in the video is saying the words backwards and walking backwards, took him weeks to actually get the swing of singing backwards. There was limited money when producing this video, so they could only take one take of the car crash as they only had one car.

Thursday 13 October 2011

More Target Audience Research

In Today's lesson, we went out in continuation of completing out taget audience research. Chanel did the filming as Theresa directed the interviews and made sure they ran smoothly insuring that the area we were using was quiet when we were filming, I was the interviewer, however by the last interview, Theresa and myself swopped roles and she became the interviewer. Overall, we had a successful lesson as we got our target audience research vox pop completed.

Saturday 8 October 2011

100 greatest music videos

In todays lesson we have simply continued watching the 100 greatest music video's. We began our research in todays lesson on numbere 49.

49 -Jamiroquai-virtual- insanity , he has an incredible balance, showing new technology because objects move on their own but what the audience are unaware of is that really the walls move to make it look as though objects are moving.

48 - Johnny Cash- Hurt
Song is about addiction, he has hurt his family. It is the most moving music video ever as his whife who had died was in the video. He died just 6 months are shooting this video in septemeber 2003. He was too ill too travel so the video was filmed at home.

47 - The prodigy - Fire starter caused lots of complaints

46 - Adam and the Ants - Prince Charming
Costs $30,000 bucks for that time to be made.

45- Aerosmith -Crazy 1994

44 - Kylie Minogue - Can't get you out of my head
This is when Kylie went from being a medium level campus to great popstar becauser her video represents a world that we have never seen before. It is futuristic with the clothes that she wears and the car that she drives.

43 - Dire Straits/ Money for Nothing 1985

42 - Bjork - Oh so quiet 1995
This music video is a celebration of old fashion music where real and unreal intersect.

41 - Spice girls - Wannabe
This video was filmed all in one take so if sombody was out of place at any point during shooting, they would have to start all over again. Because the video was filmed in one take, this reflects why the video is so jumpy. In the video, the girls are indirectly sticking two fingers up at authority which makes the video funny and interesting. The day before this video the spice girls were unknown, the say after, everybody knew who exactly each spice was. Posh spice was in the background rather than being one of the mains because they did not have confidence that she could sing or dance, well none of the girls could sing as they were pretty much shouting their lines.

40- Missy Elliot - Get your freak on 2001
Unrealistic things occur for example when her neck extends and gets longer.

39 - Pulp common people 1995

38 - Fatboy Slim - Weapon of choice
won 6 categories at MTV awards in 2001.

37 - Guns n Roses - November rain 1992
The video is completely over the top more than a video can be to the point where it gets quite silly. It cost lots of money to make 1.5 million and is 9 minutes long in total.

36- Red hot chill peppers - Give it away
Simple black and white video.

35- Sinead O'Connor - Nothing compares to you

The video adds value to the song, shes cries in the middle of the video which express's her feelings (the loss of her mother). The video was all about performance, footage from a gravside was shot but not much of it was used because her face and performance was so strong. Therefore they decided to use this footage in Paris for the instrumental. She evokes real tears with real emotions attached and means and it looks as though she believes every works she sings.

34- The white stripes - fell in love with a girl 2002

33 - U2 - The sweetest thing 1998

This is a very clever video because it looks as though it is being filmed in one take but there is edits in the middle that are hidden.

32- Chris Isaak - Wicked Game

31- Eminem ft Dido - Stan

This is an interesting video because it is a postermodern video. The video reflects Eminem's own state of fame of how his fans react to him as a celebrity. Stan is Eminem's biggest fan and bleaches his hair to look like more like Eminem and the relationship that Stan has with his girlfriend reflects Eminems own relationship that he has with his wife. Stan mimes Eminems words so it's almost as though hes telling a story about himself.

30- Weezer - Buddy Holly

29 - Electric Six - 'Gay Bar'
This is the 2nd most contraversal video after Madonna's 'like a prayer' as it refers to Abraham Lincon being gay and for this reason this video is forbidden to be played in America as they are so against it.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Research into the R&B genre

Contemporary R’n’B is a music genre which is a mixture of funk soul and hip hop.  The original R&B originates from the Rhythm and Blues music however nowadays is often used to describe African American music originating after the demise of disco in the 1980’s. Some sources after refer to the style as urban contemporary (the name of radio format that plays hip hop and contemporary issues R’n’B.
As the music we decided to use is in the R&B genre so for this reason I have decided to do some research into the genre to help us and guide as to what kind of video we need to produce and what the actors need to be doing/body language in the video.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Target Audience Research

We noticed that because we are fans of Destinys Child, their target audience must be the older teenager and therefore where Thicke and Destinys Child are so similar, it is likely that our target audience will also be the older teenager who like R&B music and therefore we filmed a vox pop, where we went around to interview six formers asking them three questions about their favourite music video and why they like the video, so that we that we could quickly identify our target audience. The three questions that we asked were:

Question 1: What is your favourite music video?
Question 2: What do you like about the music video?
Question 3: What do you find effective about the music video?

In today's lesson we only got through 1 interview which was with a six former, in lessons to come, we are going to try and mix it up abit and try to interview different age ranges so that we can see confirm our target audience or add to it because older people may infact like the music video that we produce so we will have a wider audience rather than just the older teenager.

Monday 3 October 2011

Finally found music!

After many weeks of researching, we managed to agree on a song that we would like to use for a music video. The song had to be unsigned and non copyright so we needed to ask permission from the owner of the track so we emailed the girl who sang the song and are still awaiting her response. The song that we chose from was by Thicke - Heartbeat, 3 girls which is the reason we thought it would be a good idea to do the song as there is three of girls in the group. We are all huge fans of destinys child which is the reason we thought it was a good idea for us to choose a song with three girls in so that we could relate to them as artists.

Thicke - Heartbeat
The comparison of Destiny's child (our idols) to Thicke, they are two very similar groups in the type of music they produce (R&B). They have a big influence on us.

Thursday 29 September 2011

100 greatest music videos

This is a continous of the 100 greatest music video's.

76- The Beatles - Strawberry fields

75- Duran Duran - Rio 1982

74- Basement Jaxx- Where's your head at 2001
This video tells a story (has a narrative)
Pop video
Shot in a mental hospital, the video used real live monkeys when shooting.

73- Wu Tang Clan- Gravel Pit 2001
This was an expensive video to shoot.

72- Robert Palmer - Addicted to love directed by Terrace Ponavan
Shows feminist critism
Controversal video
The video contained sexual objects playing instruments for men and back up dancers/singers
This was sexist and exploiting women.

71- Bjork - All is full of love
She imagined this video as a WHITE HEAVEN which is what she looks like in the video.

70 - The police - Every breath you take 1983
Black and white keeping the video simple and to the point.

69- Frankie goes to Hollywood - Two tribes 1984. This video was not shown on Top of the pops as it was so controversal

68- Madonna- Ray of lights 1998 - Jonas Akerland directed this video 'Ray of lights' was shot over 14 daysin places like Sweden and New York.

67- The Beastie Boys - Sabotage 1994
is a prime example of a postmodern film. This is a video which relates to the past of what has already happened.

66- Bob Dylan - Suberranean homesick blues 1965

65- The Aphex Twin - Window licker 1999

64- Bjork- Human behaviour 1993

63- George Michael - Outside 1998
Director: Vaghn Arnell

62- Blur - Parklife

61- The Prodigy - Smack my bitch up
Very controversal video
Low budget video and was made in one night
directed by Jonas Akerlund

60 - Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are made of this )1983
Very powerful video

59 - Abba - Mama Mia 1975
Low budget video

58 - The cure - Close to me 1985
The collaboration with director Tim Pope is what made the band popular.

57- Meatloaf - Id do anything for love (but i won't do that) 1993 , Video was over blown

56- Eminem - Without me
The Video is very unrealistic
Animations so no very serious video
Looks as though it has a specific target audience (Children)which is unusual as Eminem usually aims at the older teenager due to his use of language

55- Fatboy slim - Praise you
Video is realistic and seems like everyday life
Unclear video bas quality so makes it seem like we are there

54- Daft Punk - Around the world 1994

53 - Wham - Club Tropicanna

52- Massive attack - Teardrop 1998

51- Run DMC- Walk this way
Old school video
props 'nerdy glasses'

50- Paul Simon - You can call me Al 1986

Friday 23 September 2011

100 Greatest Music Videos

In todays lesson we simply carried on watching the 100 greatest music video's.

89-Smashing Pumpkins

88-Elton John -Im still standing  was a significant video because Elton John hated being in video's s this was a live performance.

Elton John-Don't go breaking my heart, Elton John hires someone to lip sync, so use of actors in his video's acting to be him.

87-Talking heads - was the first time for abstract movement. They explored abstract ideas to put into movement.

86-The Streets - Fit but know it.

85-Sid Viscous - My way , The video quite goofy, dull with a bit of violence. Unfortunately this artist, died within a year of release of this song, aged 21, due to drug overdose.

84-The boomtown rats-I don't like Monday's was the first video to have a narrative 'story' to it.

83-Shakespeare's sister- Stay, was part of video's have to be able to express emotions, The part where the song gets faster and louder where the long haired lady begins to sing creates dramatic tension.

82- 50cent - In da club. Introducing an artist discovered by Dr Dre and Eminem.

81- Ultravo - vienna, over the top, high over dramatic, tells a story, black and white

80- Radiohead - JUST

79- New order - true faith
Director believed in artistic & freedom. Non video makers to make all the video's.
End result is a video that divides opinions

78- Godley and creme - cry

Video adds value
All about faces. All molve into eachother . Get loads of different people to lip sync, mixed technique.

77- MC Hammer - Can't touch this
Never see grown men wearing harlem trousers.

Thursday 22 September 2011

How successful was the video?

In my opinion, i believe that our preliminary music video was very successful especially as it is of such a good quality as we managed to get new cameras and we managed to complete editting our preliminary music video first in the whole of our year group. We had Chanel in the background tellling us what exactly what to do, giving us instructions and direction on how to improve to get our video to the best of our ability. We had to do several takes, the first take, we felt a bit silly so we were not performing as well as we could, the second performance got better and by the third performance, we had it in the bag, we were going for it, really giving it our all and that is the reason our video came our so good because we developed confidence, we made sure we had no rest during the takes so that we just got on with it straight away so that our mindset wouldn't drift elsewhere.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

100 greatest Music Videos

In todays lesson, we found that we need to investigate independent research on the 100 best video's since the beginning in 1960s. This was made by channel 4. Golden age of music video has passed. Late 1970s-1990's (peak for music video) less tv meant that everybody saw music video.

Today we look at 100 countdown to 90.

100- Music youth - Pass the Dutchie 1962 (First home grown british blackband. If you were black and wanted to make a point, you had to say it with a smile or a joke. In the video, blacks found not guilty.

99- Supergrass- pumping on your stereo

98- Bronski beat/smalltown boy in london, gay gets beaten up for being gay, very contraversal video and rose awareness of how shallow people can be.

97- Cornershop- Brimful of Ash (video shot across two continents

96- So solid crew - 21 seconds 2001, 21 seconds to introduce themselves whole story within 3minutes. It was said they were racist and if it was group of white kids, the public would have had a positive view on the crew but because they were black it was pure racism.

95- Joanus Ackerlund- Cardigan my favourite game. Love affair the game
a94- Bonnie Tyler- Total eclipse of the heart

93- Rolling stones- we love you (Brian Jones died of drugs) drowned in a swimming pool.

92- Rocket, MTV was huge hit (adds value to song)

91-The specials- ghost town 1981

90- The pet shop boys/go west 1993, cartoon esc computer graphics style.