Monday 6 February 2012

Analysis of student digipak/magazine advert/ video combination


The digipak above is by 3 boys in my year group which by looking out the digipak we are above to make the assumption that the video is going to be fun by the faces that the boys are pulling. The funny faces imply that the boys are jokers and that the song may be that sort of song with funny clips in the video to make the audience laugh. 

The name booty call is the name of the song and this allows us to assume that their target audience is aimed at teenage boys as every member of the group is infact a male. The bottom of the digipak mentions Pizza in Ibiza, this would definately be aimed at either the young adult or the older teenager because you are only able to travel to Ibiza alone without parental consent when you are 18, this may be implying that the song is suitable for older people.

The colours on the digipak are kept quite simple  as the main focus on the digipak is actually the text. They want people to stop and read the text, digest it and gain instant attraction by the jokes and hopefully can win over the audience with the jokes and the funny faces.  The coloursd are similar to their magazine advert which is good as they should be linked in some way.

However the design of the digipak does not look very professional.

The magazine advert has a black background which is good because there are many bright colours used in the advert, greens,blue, white, red which then allow the colours to stand out and become more eye catching to the audience.

In relation to the video, the video does have girls in it, so in order for the magazine advert to be improved, they could of got a screen grab of the girls in the music video to gain a wider audience. As they have just got boys on the front of the magazine advert, they are targetting a specific group of people whereas more variation on the magazine would expand the group of people being targetted.

The use of HMV/ITune icons is good because people are aware of where the song is available for download and purchase. They have put star ratings from the Guardian newspaper and for this reason, people will be under the impression that because the Guardian is such a well known newspaper with a good reputation, everything that is quoted by the newspaper must be true so they managed to get good marketing.

This video I believe was well thought out, as they are all teenage boys, why not use it to their advantage and target teenage boys. They could use their own knowledge of what they would want to see in a kind of music video targetted at themselves and work around it that way. Even though, i am a female and the song is about how girls will not leave them alone, i think they idea was brilliant because it represents what teenage boys are actually like in society today.

The colours in the digipak and in the magazine advert live up to the video because they are similar. In the video the boys look as though they are having a good time. They could have an influence on teenage guys because teenage guys today think they cant have sleepovers but if they see these guys at a sleepover talking about girls, they might think, well it is actually okay and also if there are guys in that similiar position, they might just want to chillout like the guys in the video.

The connection between all of the boys shows that they are close friends outside of the music video, they look like they are having fun and it does not look like they are acting.

The different transitions in the video keeps the viewers intreeged, we never drift off, we are always interested in what is going to happen next. The lip syncing is bang on each time and the clips are edited according to the paste of the song which shows that they are editting to the beat.

Overall, i think the digipak, magazine advert and the video make a brilliant combination as they are all similar in colour, humour and target the same audience.

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